Bunny Lost and Found

An ode to vigilant parents everywhere (and kind taxi drivers)

She takes him everywhere with her, he is her favourite friend.

Forever in her hand or mouth, her affection has no end.

He has always been the favourite, of that there is no doubt.

Her other friends respect his rank, he has a certain clout.

Bunny travels around with us. Rio, what a delight!

The beach, the park, mountains and views, and many Olympic sites.

She has been quite good at holding him, not dropping him too much.

It requires vigilance from us, extra eyes and such.

Today though, the worst happened. We let our guard right down.

We left him in a taxi, and he took a ride round town.

We realised straight away. Got quickly panicky.

We tried calling the cab driver, shouting very manically.

Alas we don’t speak Portuguese and struggled to convey,

How important is this little chap to our daughter Amber Rae.

We watched our girl cry out his name, feeling sick to our tums.

How could we let this happen to oh so precious Buns?

An hour passed, no word from Buns. How would we get him back?

We looked for him repeatedly, fruitlessly retracing our tracks.

Then suddenly, a miracle occurred, when we checked outside once more.

And there was Bunny, sitting proud, on the entrance floor.

He had returned! Our little Buns! But how? We are still none the wiser.

But just in case, I would like to send a huge thank you to our driver.

I’m guessing that he understood our very desperate call.

And looked around his cab and saw our Buns so great but small.

And out of sheer kindness he returned him. What a charm!

And made a little girl so happy to have her Bun back in her arms.

 Bunny back where he belongs

Celebrating Bunny’s return

8 thoughts on “Bunny Lost and Found

  1. Love this!!!!! Did you both write it?? Very impressed. You were so lucky. Blimey can you remember when I lost monkey and Grace was inconsolable?!
    There’s still some good folk out there!
    Cheers Amber πŸΈπŸ‘πŸ’žπŸ€πŸ˜˜


  2. This has made my whole week! Amazing poem, incredible story and what a wonderful taxi driver?! Inspiring stuff. Bunny Buns back where Buns belongs. Can’t tell you how exciting it is that Buns is her favourite! Muchos lovos (is that Portuguese?) to you all xxx


  3. Wow amazing, what a wonderful taxi driver. Mummy & daddy extra care please. Love a happy ending. Hugs for Amber and buns. β€πŸ’›πŸ˜šxx


  4. Pingback: Our first week in numbers | wanderlust and baby

  5. Great blog. Very impressed. You’ve inspired me to poetic heights too. A little piece entitled “Donde esta mi conejo?”
    Prepare yourselves:
    “It’s not funny when you lose your bunny.
    Specially if you’re in the habit of cuddling that rabbit.
    To keep me calmer, I demand a llama.”
    Talent runs in the family, clearly.
    Much love and thinking of you, Dad


  6. Pingback: Food in Brazil | wanderlust and baby

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  8. Pingback: Confessions of the clumsy | wanderlust and baby

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